I remembered my training by Dr. Eb Blakley (a behavioral scientist) who taught me that consequences were the #1 Secret to changing ALL HUMAN BEHAVIOR! You could change people's health habits by changing the consequences that surrounded those actions!
Instantly, it became crystal clear to me how to improve people's adherence (and more specifically, my artillery soldiers.)
I first needed to identify and mitigate the consequences of their actions. By using the proven techniques I had learned, I was able to bring the Company into compliance with over 15,000 new soldiers each year into the program. I went on to other Companies and increased their Hearing Conservation Program to over 25,000 soldiers per year.
I knew I had stumbled on a way to help anyone build healthy habits.
My plan was to start creating programs to use Dr. Blakley's Applied Behavioral Analysis, (that's just a fancy word that means using techniques to discover the negative and positive consequences of any action and use them to change human behavior).
I wanted to use these techniques to make healthcare a safer and more productive environment.
So, I started creating training courses for nurses to use with their patients to get them to follow their doctor's care plan. But we didn’t stop there.
We then expanded the training to present it to health organizations, such as hospitals and nursing homes, to encourage nurses and CNA's to do those hard tasks that have negative consequences (such as hand washing, answering call lights, or changing patients dirty bedding.)
After that, we created BEARS - Behavioral Education and Research Services, Inc. A company dedicated to teaching the principles of adherence management.
Bottom line: In the end, we were able to increase compliance and build healthy habits in both patients and healthcare providers. The results were astonishing!
Building on that success, we decided to create a Masterclass Online Training and Coaching program that taught everything we had learned about healthcare adherence…